Monday, March 27, 2023

Quiet Morning

 22" x 28" oil on canvas

This one is a bit of a departure for me. I was going for quiet desolation on this one and spent a lot of time on the sky. I was shooting for that clear, blue, wide open sky you get on cold early spring mornings.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Shady Lane

 9" x 12" oil on panel

I pulled this one off my phone to paint from in an attempt to escape March weather. I am looking forward to those clear, bright warm summer days when you can drive through the countryside with all your windows down.

Sunday, March 19, 2023


 10" x 8" oil

I took this picture of an abandoned barn last summer. I liked the sunlit driveway with puddles leading to the red barn. 

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Spring Sprouts

 9" x 12" oil on panel

Its almost that time of the year when green shoots appear in long rows across wide brown fields. 

Monday, March 13, 2023

Rock Chalk Jayhawk

 12' x 12" oil on panel

My son went to the University of Kansas and ever since there is no other team we cheer for during March Madness. (Other sons and my wife and I went to schools that are not usually in the tournament.)

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Food & Liquor


11" x 14" oil on panel

We were out on a sunny Saturday morning after a snowfall and came across this scene. I loved the long shadows and the depth down both roads.